Note to self

Woke up alcohol free this morning again and I love it.  Love the way coffee tastes first thing in the morning.  Love feeling clear-minded at 6am.  I even swear that my face looks less puffy and I actually feel pretty this morning.  I don’t have much time to write, so I just wanted to document how peaceful I feel this morning.  I want the future, still-sober-but-doubting-me, who may be going though a low or a challenge…I want her to read this and know that I’m sure there are many, many more moments like this in the future and that the good, peaceful, truly enjoyable parts of living sober will grow and that I just need to hold on long enough to get through the muck, whatever it may be.

I have so many, many things inside my mind right now that it would take 10 computers and 100 blogs to sort them out.  But that’s okay.  I’ll sort them out.  I’ve drank my emotions in to submission for so long they’re bound to rebel a bit, especially in the near future.  And thank goodness they’re at bay this morning.  It feels good to genuinely smile about nothing in particular at all.  Remember that feeling of waking up as a kid, and just loving the way the morning looks and smells, and feeling the excitement in anticipation for the day?  I’m there right now.  And alcohol couldn’t do this if it tried. Nice.

An alcohol-free life is worth living.

3 thoughts on “Note to self

  1. hey – how are you? I have been thinking about you. I know two weeks is not a long time but I have not “heard” from you and I wanted to check in. I started the Atkins diet today because I have 15 pounds to loose and I really need to change my life. I am thinking about you. We all have so many bloody chanllenges. I am trying to prioritize mine. I know I need to stop drinking and I know I need to be a better parent to my 6 & 8 year old. I know I am 49 years old (old mom, call me a NYC late bloomer) and all of this has just gone on for WAY to long… I am exausted thinking about it all the time. Every moment of every day I am thinking in the background of a well heeled life, ” Get ahold of your self, get out in front of all of this – you are not a kid, just be in charge of your frick&^n life – once and for all!!!”

    It is so strange that you can be smart about life and so so unable to get a hold of one small part… please let me know how your are doing – even if it’s not great – I hear ya. Having the desire to enen THINK about a better life is a good reason to say “wtf” just go for it. We can always to back to this…. what we are doing is an easy out for us right?

    • Hi Martha thanks for thinking of me. Im still here and doing okay. Quitting drinking is reminding me a lot if quitting smoking…my emotions are raw and I am getting used to doing things without alcohol. Its harder with alcohol because its so socially acceptable to drink. I drank for stress, to relax, to celebrate, to spend time with friends, to grieve…now Im finding other ways to cope and live besides drinking wine.
      I hear you on the eating and fitness…Nutrition and fitness are carrying me through. It feels so damn good to put good stuff in my body and relieve stress with a walk instead of wine. Keep fighting the good fight!

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